2-way-binding connection field

I am pretty new to GraphQL, so I might be doing it wrong. If so, please tell me :) However I think this could make things easier:

Sometimes I have to fetch all Categories (a component-bp. I use) that I created. Each category has a connection field where 0-n Articles (a document-bp. I use) can be linked. Obviously, I now get a nice list of all Categories with the linked articles.

However, when I fetch a specific Article and want to know which category it is in - I now have to make a somewhat redundant "Category" field and manually select the category it is in - eventhough the Article is already linked to the category, but only from the side of the Category.

As I said, I don't know if I am missing something or just do it wrong, but an "advanced" connection field, that works 2-ways would be nice. So as soon as I link an Article from my Category using the "advanced" connection field - this field is automatically generated in my Article-Blueprint and connects the article to the category.

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πŸ’‘ Feature Request


10 months ago



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